Mindy Haycock

2/3 c. sugar
6 eggs
1 c. melted butter
2 tsp. salt
1 ½ T. yeast
14-16 c. flour
½ c. mashed potatoes
4 c. scalded milk

Mix sugar, butter, milk add potatoes, 4 cups flour, salt, yeast and mix. Add eggs slowly, and add remaining Flour. Need for 5 mins (lowest speed.) Let dough raise double in size (1 ½ to 2 hrs)

Roll out dough, spread w/melted butter, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar. Roll up dough and cut into 1 inch. Put in greased pan with room to grow. Let rolled up rolls rise for ½ hr.

Bake @ 350 15-18 mins

2 c. Powered Sugar
2 T. Melted Butter
1 T. Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla

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